Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions
Counting free fermions

Counting free fermions

Condensed matter theory

A link between the statistical properties of free fermions in one dimension when either half- or alternating- states are initially occupied.

Full-counting statistics for the alternating and domain-wall states

Arxiv (2024)

O. Gamayun

For a one-dimensional system of free fermions, we derive a connection between the full counting statistics of domain-wall and alternating occupancy states. We derive linear growth with time at the long times for the even moments in the latter case.

Arxiv (2024)

O. Gamayun